Ty Simpson

Show Jumping



Ty Simpson started riding when he was 12 years old on a western quarter horse. After catching the riding bug, he went on to start show jumping and fell in love with it. Ty qualified to be on the Zone 10 NAYC team when he was just 16 with Why Not. After that, he went on to compete with Quality Irish in NAYC and U25 team events. Later, Ty competed in grand prixs in Michigan and Kentucky with several top placings. Currently, he is focused on developing 7yo Quaralia EVS who he has had top placings with in the USEF young horse finals.





Ty's Horse Care Philosophy

Take your time and always listen to your horse. Not every horse is going to reach the finish line in the same amount of time as the last one. If you aren't listening to your horse's queues, you aren't doing it right.





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Where are you based out of?

Wellington FL in the winter and Six Winters in Lexington KY in the Summers




Do you have any horse care pet peeves?

Ill fitting saddle pads. I cannot stand when a saddle pad rides up or doesn't stay in place.




How can people keep in touch with you?

Instagram : TySimps1