


Victoria LaCagnina is the Head of Operations at Storia Stables, a premiere, full-service show barn in Moorpark, CA that specializes in hunters, jumpers, and equitation. Victoria grew up riding at Elvenstar and with Karen Healey. She worked for California trainer Archie Cox for 4 years, before eventually purchasing her business from Cyndi Merrit, which became Storia Stables in 2012.


With riders competing successfully at all levels, the ideology behind Storia Stables concentrates primarily on the horse and the rider partnership necessary to be competitive and successful. Knowing that success is predicated on the health, well-being, and competent training of their horses, Victoria provides unparalleled attention to their welfare. It is no surprise that Victoria and her clients have seen major success through the national level, including multiple “Horse of the Year” awards.





Victoria LaCagnina’s Horse Care Philosophy

Rome was not built in a day. Take your time and be patient.





Victoria's favorite products









Where are you based out of?

Moorpark, California




Do you have any horse care pet peeves?

Leaving tack on the floor. Halters, lead ropes, and bridles do not ever get placed on the floor.




How can people keep in touch with you?
