Shayna Simon has ridden and trained with many of the best trainers in the world. She has received Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals on a horse she started herself and took all the way to Grand Prix. She has competed in multiple Small Tour CDIs, ranking in the top 10 in the country. She commonly trains with Olympic level riders to keep her technique and information sharp.
Shayna doesn't teach you to ride the way she rides; she teaches you to use your body and to find your best way of riding. She teaches you to communicate with your horse in a positive, non-aggressive manner; one that strengthens the bond between you and your horse. Shayna prides herself on a more physically and mentally profound approach to training, and she believes that helping riders find their true peak is a Calling.

Shayna's Horse Care Philosophy
Shayna is a dressage trainer and most people just think that’s about riding . However, she enjoys the whole process from getting the horses out of the stall to grooming to riding . Since she has multiple horses to ride per day, Shayna has amazing grooms that know the horses so well and love them as much as she does. Shayna believes it takes a team of people to love and care for the horse in different ways to make the horse feel appreciated and loved to perform his/her best! The spirit, work ethic, and simplicity of communication is key and it takes more than a lifetime to accomplish. So they enjoy the journey every day and feel so grateful to work around such amazing animals.
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Where are you based out of?
Loxahatchee FL USA.
Do you have any horse care pet peeves?
When horses aren’t groomed properly.
How can people keep in touch with you?
Instagram: @shaynasimondressage Facebook: Shayna simon and shayna simon dressage TikTok: simonsaysshayna